Vitals of a Website Series

Our vitals of a website blog series is aimed at informing you with the most important factors that every website must have. These topics include search engine friendliness, website speed, website content and social media integration; among other things. Read on and learn about what goes into creating a great website.

call to action
The Vitals of a Website: Call-To-Action

Once someone has visited your website and explored it, what is it that you want them to do next? For you, this is a simple question to answer. For the visitor, this is not something we can presume.

navigate your website
The Vitals of a Website: Website Navigation

Allowing your website to have clear navigation functionality gives the power to the visitor and makes them feel in control. This gives them a positive feeling when traversing your website and will likely encourage them to come back later.

social media
The Vitals of a Website: Social Media Integration

Social media is a massive resource for anyone to use in marketing their company and reaching a wider audience. Engaging with followers in a unique way, allows for a consistent flow to the website and drives up traffic.

google analytics
The Vitals of a Website: Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a freemium web service created by Google that offers users large amounts of data that they can use in optimising their digital presence.

content creation
The Vitals of a Website: Website Content

When a user visits a website, the biggest factor that is going to determine whether they stay is the content displayed on the pages. With EditMe, you are guaranteed content of the highest quality.

website speed
The Vitals of a Website: Website Speed

One of the most important elements to pay attention to in web development is website speed. Studies have shown that a website that loads slowly will cause a company to lose both visitors and profit.

search engine friendliness
The Vitals of a Website: Search Engine Friendliness

One of the most important elements of a website is search engine friendliness. Without it, you are not only penalized by search engines but users will fail to click through as well.

responsive website
The Vitals of a Website: Responsiveness

One of the most important aspects of any digital presence is website responsiveness. Without it, you are doing massive damage to your audience engagement and reach.